In the intricate and demanding world of foster care, respite foster care emerges as a vital support system, both for the children in need and the families who open their hearts and homes to them. This specialised form of foster care offers temporary relief to regular foster families, carers, and parents, providing them with a much-needed pause to recharge and maintain their well-being. In the UK, where the foster system plays a crucial role in child welfare, understanding the nuances of respite foster care becomes essential. It’s not just about offering a temporary home for a child; it’s about supporting the entire foster care ecosystem, ensuring that every participant — child and carer alike — receives the necessary care and attention.

The financial aspects of respite foster care, particularly in terms of compensation, often raise questions among those considering this path. How much do respite foster carers get paid? What are the financial incentives, and how do they align with the responsibilities involved? This article aims to shed light on these questions, and many more, offering a comprehensive overview of respite foster care in the UK. From defining what it entails to exploring the support available for families and carers, and the financial remuneration they can expect, we delve into the facets that make respite foster care an indispensable part of the foster care system.

respite foster care

Understanding Respite Foster Care

At its core, respite foster care offers temporary care for foster children, providing regular foster families, carers, and parents with a well-deserved break. This type of care is crucial in the UK, where the demands of foster parenting can be intense and continuous. Respite care for foster families, carers, and parents ensures that the primary caregivers can take time to rest and rejuvenate, maintaining their ability to provide high-quality care in the long term.

The concept of respite care for foster families extends beyond just a short-term childcare solution. It’s a strategic approach designed to support the health and well-being of both the foster children and their foster families. This support system plays a critical role in preventing caregiver burnout, a common challenge faced by many in the foster care sector. By stepping in to provide temporary relief, respite foster carers offer a seamless continuation of care, ensuring that the foster child’s needs are met without disruption. This continuity is essential for the stability and emotional security of the child, who may already have experienced significant upheaval in their life.

Respite foster care typically involves fostering a young person for a short period, often a weekend, but no longer than 28 days. This type of foster care usually occurs for a set period of time and on a recurring basis. For instance, this could be for on the weekends, during school holidays, or a week at a time. Whilst care is usually provided to the same child at regular intervals, one-off support to other families may also be necessary.

Respite care for foster parents isn’t just beneficial for the primary caregivers; it’s also advantageous for the children. It offers them an opportunity to experience different environments and interact with new caregivers, broadening their social and emotional experiences. This exposure can be instrumental in their development, helping them build resilience and adaptability.

The financial aspect of respite foster care is another important facet. While respite foster care pay may not be the primary motivator for those offering this service, it is a significant consideration. Respite carers are compensated for their time and the resources they use to care for the child, which can include anything from food and activities to the additional costs of utilities and transportation. Understanding the dynamics of respite foster care pay is important for those considering this role, as it helps to paint a complete picture of what to expect.

In summary, respite foster care is a multifaceted support system that benefits all parties involved — the foster children, the primary foster families, and the respite carers. Understanding the roles, benefits, and financial aspects of this care type is crucial for anyone involved in the UK’s foster care system.

foster carer and child

Support for Respite Foster Carers

Foster carers, including those providing respite care, form the backbone of the foster care system in the UK. Their role is multifaceted, requiring not only a compassionate heart but also a set of skills and support mechanisms to effectively cater to the diverse needs of foster children. This section delves into the support available for these carers, emphasising the significance of training, qualifications, and the emotional and professional rewards inherent in this role.

The journey of a respite foster carer begins with comprehensive training. This training is designed to equip carers with the necessary skills to handle various scenarios that may arise while caring for foster children. Topics covered often include understanding trauma, managing challenging behaviours, and fostering positive relationships. Regular ongoing training sessions are also provided to ensure that carers stay updated with best practices and developments in the field of foster care.

In addition to training, respite care for foster carers includes access to a range of support services. These can include dedicated social workers, support groups, and counselling services. Such support is crucial in helping carers navigate the complexities of foster care, providing them with a network of professionals and peers who understand the unique challenges and rewards of this role.

For those considering respite care for foster parents, it’s important to note the qualifications required. Typically, potential carers undergo a thorough assessment process, which evaluates their ability to provide a safe, nurturing environment. Background checks, home assessments, and interviews are part of this process, ensuring that only those best suited to the demands of foster care are approved.

The emotional and professional rewards of being a respite foster carer are significant. While the financial aspect, often framed as respite foster care pay, is a component of the role, the real reward lies in the positive impact on the lives of children. Carers often speak of the fulfilment that comes from providing a stable and loving environment, even if only for a short time. This sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that they are making a tangible difference in a child’s life can be deeply gratifying.

Financial Aspects of Respite Foster Care

The financial aspects of respite foster care are a key component of the system, providing necessary support and recognition for those who undertake this important role. This section will focus on the intricacies of respite foster care pay, addressing the question of how much one can expect to be compensated for providing these vital services.

Respite Foster Care Pay

Respite foster care pay is designed to compensate carers for the time and resources they invest in caring for a foster child. This pay is not meant to serve as a salary but rather as a subsidy to cover the additional costs incurred during the care period. These costs can include food, transportation, utilities, and other expenses directly related to the child’s care.

The pay structure for respite foster care in the UK varies depending on several factors. These factors can include the local authority’s policies, the specific needs of the child, and the duration of the respite care. Typically, local authorities or fostering agencies provide clear guidelines on the payment structure, ensuring transparency and consistency in compensation.

foster father and child hugging

How Much Do You Get Paid for Respite Foster Care

The actual amount paid for respite foster care can vary widely. It’s often influenced by the region, the specific requirements of the child, and the length of the respite period. Generally, respite carers can expect to receive a daily or weekly rate that reflects the level of care required.

It’s important for potential respite carers to understand these financial aspects before they commit to the role. Knowing the expected remuneration helps in planning and ensures that individuals or families are financially prepared for the additional responsibilities.

Determining the exact payment for respite foster carers can be complex, as it varies widely based on location, the specific needs of the child, and the policies of the local authority or fostering agency. However, in the UK, respite foster carers typically receive a daily rate to cover the costs associated with caring for a child.

On average, this rate can range from approximately £50 to £200 per day. This variance accounts for factors such as the level of care required for the child, any special needs they may have, and the region in which the respite care is provided. It’s important to note that these figures are general estimates and can differ significantly across different areas and agencies.

For the most accurate and current information regarding respite foster care pay, it’s advisable to consult directly with local fostering agencies or the relevant local authority in your area.

woman with foster child

Respite Foster Care FAQs

What is respite foster care?

Respite foster care is a temporary arrangement where foster children are cared for by respite carers, giving regular foster families, carers, or parents a short-term break. This form of care helps maintain the well-being of both the foster children and their primary caregivers.

How do you become a respite foster carer?

To become a respite foster carer, you must undergo a thorough assessment process, which includes background checks, home assessments, and training. Requirements vary by local authority, so it’s best to contact your local fostering agency for specific criteria.

How long does respite foster care typically last?

Respite foster care can vary in duration, ranging from a weekend to a few weeks, depending on the needs of the foster family and the arrangement with the fostering agency or local authority.

Are there any specific requirements to provide respite care?

Yes, respite carers must meet certain requirements, including passing a background check, completing relevant training, and having a living environment suitable for children. Each local authority may have additional specific requirements.

How is respite foster care pay determined?

Respite foster care pay is determined by factors like the local authority’s policies, the specific needs of the child, and the duration of care. It’s designed to cover the costs incurred during the care period and may vary regionally.

Can respite care lead to long-term foster care opportunities?

Yes, respite care can sometimes lead to long-term foster care opportunities. Respite carers may be offered the chance to provide longer-term care based on their performance and the needs of the foster care system.

How much do you get paid for respite foster care?

In the UK, respite foster carers typically receive a daily rate that varies from approximately £50 to £200, depending on factors like the child’s needs, regional policies, and the level of care required. For precise figures, it’s best to consult with local fostering agencies or the relevant local authority.

How many households in England offer fostering?

As of March 2023, there were 43,405 fostering households in England. This number has remained fairly stable over the past five years, although the composition has changed, with an increased reliance on care from family and friends​.

What are the most common types of foster care in England?

As of March 2023, it was most common for mainstream households to be approved for non-permanent foster care (49%) or permanent foster care (40%). Many households (62%) offered multiple types of foster care, with a higher percentage in the Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) sector (85%) compared to the Local Authority (LA) sector (44%)​.

How many people are applying to foster?

The number of applications in the year 2022-2023 was the lowest in several years, at 18% lower than 2018-2019. This year, the number of leavers exceeded the number of joiners in the fostering sector​. 


In conclusion, respite foster care stands as an invaluable part of the UK’s foster care system, offering essential support not only to foster children but also to the families and carers who provide them with care. This system plays a critical role in maintaining the well-being of both carers and children, while also addressing the financial and emotional aspects of foster care. The challenges and rewards associated with respite foster care highlight the need for continued support and recognition of these dedicated individuals.

By understanding and appreciating the multifaceted nature of respite foster care, we can ensure a more robust, compassionate, and effective system for all involved, ultimately enriching the lives of some of the most vulnerable members of society.

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